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Other services are listed below - contact us for more information.


Help us to devote more time to our podcasts by using our remote working services.

Services 1. Personalised information podcast.


Are you writing an essay, researching for work or simply interested in hearing more about a topic? We can do the research for you then make an audio summary of the topic to save you time. Contact us for a quote based on the hours it will take. Hourly rates range from £10 - £25 an hour depending on the work. Contact us for more details:

Services 2. Presentations.


If you are working on a presentation we can assist with powerpoint or prezi slides and advice on delivery and style with some online coaching and tips. Whether you are an international student or a native speaker lacking in confidence we can help you. Hourly rates range from £10 - £25 an hour depending on the work. Contact us for more details:

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